Fralic’s Rules for Making Memorable Connections

Jun 18, 2022 . 3 min read . 87 views

Rules Chris Fralic used to become insanely well-connected in Silicon Valley and launch his venture capital fund.

Rule 1: Convey genuine appreciation

  • Focus the conversation around what they know and you don't know. This way they will feel good for adding value.

Rule 2: Listen with Intent

  • Demonstrate that you have heard exactly what was said.
  • Use words like “yeah”, and “mmhmm” to backchannel
  • Ask follow-up questions referencing the information just given

Rule 3: use humility markers

  • Especially in power dynamics when someone is asking for advice or help you want to put the other person at ease
  • e.g: I am wrong all the time and may be wrong here too

Rule 4: Offer unvarnished honesty

  • Do not hesitate to offer honest feedback in good faith

Rule 5: Blue sky brainstorm

  • Give before thinking about what you get
  • Always offer something of value before expecting or asking for something in return
  • If you cannot help in the way the other person expected try to help in other ways possible.

Rule 6: End conversations like you would with a friend

  • End every meeting or conversation with the feeling and optimism you would like to have at the start of the next conversation.
  • Always end conversations assuming that you will pick them up later.

Rule 7: Don't fake it till you make it

  • Take time to research before reaching out to people
  • A few questions to begin researching the person
    • What are the key milestones in their career?
    • What expertise do they seemingly love to provide? (Possible to suss out from any articles that quote them or talks they’ve given in the past.)
    • Are there any recent news stories or announcements about them?
    • What do you want to ask them or get out of the interaction if you get the chance?

Other Do's and Dont's

  • DO: Keep your dream contact list ready. Always ask people you meet for specific intros to other folks on the contact list.
  • DO: Craft simple requests. People are busy and they have limited time and attention. Make sure your request is crafted in such a way that it is easy to say Yes or No to it.
  • DO: Always follow up and follow through.
  • DO: Make your system for keeping in touch. It could be reminders to meet now and then or can also be by interacting with their posts on Social Media.
  • DO: Get to the zone of indifference. When you approach a meeting or job interview be in a state where you have prepared your best. At this point even if the outcome is favourable you do not care much as you already gave in your everything.
  • DON'T: Ambush people. Always ask for permission before making intros etc.
  • DON'T: Reach out only when you need something. Always offer first.

Done! 💪

How to Become Insanely Well-Connected
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